Title: Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai (Haganai)
Type: Anime
Status: Completed (2 seasons, 24 episodes in total)
Plot: Hasegawa Kodaka is half-Japanese half-English guy who just transferred to St. Chronica's Academy. Because of his "pudding"-coloured hair (blonde), he was misunderstood by the other students as a delinquent, though he really is a nice and sweet guy. [I mean, really. He's the kind of guy I would fall for. Mwahaha! Just kidding.] So then, he had this weird meeting with Mikazuki Yozora, wherein he sees her talking to her "air friend" Tomo. The two of them made a club together called "Neighbour's Club". Their aim - to make friends. AND WATCH THE REST. SERIOUSLY.
Okaaay... So, first impressions.. Uhh, ecchi... perverted... and just crap. *sigh* What's with my first impressions?
Anyway, it is ecchi in some ways because of the big boobs, perverted thoughts and genderbend ideas. However, Haganai is something that you should really watch. First impressions? Scrap that!
Haganai or Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai is something that I would recommend for everyone. It centres on friendship, betrayal and just trying to fit in. Though, in the first few episodes, you can see how the story line is cliched, it will always give you surprises and twists in each episode.
Though I just started Season 2 and it's so far, so good. I still have this heaviness in my chest because of how Season 1 has ended.
Well, yeah... That's why it's misleading... Scenes like these... are just plain funny!!! Hahahaha! :3 But don't worry, it's not what you're thinking about, pervy~ :3
I just want Taka and Sora to be friends again...
Admin Ten-chan
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