Title: Hidan no Aria
Type: Anime
Status: Completed
Author: Chugaku Akamatsu
Mangaka: Kobuichi
Plot: Kinji is a student of a specialised school wherein part of their "lessons" are handling a gun or targeting a criminal. However, one day when he tries to quit school, a skilled killer tries to hunt any student from that school. Then a petite tsundere girl, Aria, an S-rank student came to his rescue and.... Well, let's just watch it.
Hidan no Aria! Excellent! If I was to grade it, I'd give it 4.5 stars. Effects: Great! Graphics: Great! Plot: Great! Characters: (*¬*)
Well, Hidan no Aria is one of your "typical" school life anime with a twist. It's just that, normal students just don't handles guns that professionally and try to kill someone off the road. This is one hell of an anime.
I greatly recommend it for all fans of the genre of school life, comedy, action and ecchi.
~Oh and, just a spoiler. Aria is one hell of a tsundere.~ >////< ~fufufufuf!
~Oh and, just a spoiler. Aria is one hell of a tsundere.~ >////< ~fufufufuf!
Until next time
Admin Ten-chan
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