Title: Croquis
Type: Manga
Status: Completed
Mangaka: Takanaga Hinako
Okay, I am not sure of what to say with the plot because what I recommend in this manga volume is not the main story but Chapters 5 and 7 entitled 'OF MY FIRST LOVE'.
OF MY FIRST LOVE is a story that I admire every time I read it. Every time I would read it, I would just cry. I was like "WHY? WHY? HUHUHUH!"
Now, I won't tell you the plot 'cause it may sound predictable but the story... augh... I WOULD READ IT A THOUSAND TIMES IF I COULD.
Have you ever had that feeling when your heart twinges every time you hear a story? I am not trying to be corny here but that's what I felt every time I read this story.
This manga is very recommended for those suckers in love stories out there, but for homephobes and yaoi-haters, just don't read it.
Some people just don't understand that SOME LOVE STORIES ARE BEST TOLD YAOI STYLE. But it's not like I can force that idea unto them.
But anyway, I would literally hunt you if you say you hated this story...
I am kidding, of course...
AM I? *evil grin*
Anyway, here's a preview:
Admin Ten-chan
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