Title: NO. 6 (Number Six)
Type: Anime
Status: Completed
Author: Atsuko Asano
Mangaka: Hinoki Kino
Plot: Shion is one of the best, most intelligent student in the city. However, he is looking for something more profound. He feels quite caged in the city he's living in. One night, on a storm, while venting out he's frustration, an injured kid named Nezumi came to his quarters and soon discovers that Nezumi is a 'criminal' but that truth is far larger than that. What is really going on in the perfect city of NO. 6?
No. 6. One of the best animes I have ever watched in my whole entire life. The art is wonderful, the storyline is excellent. What more can I ask for? My first impression of this is another shounen/seinen anime with a lot of fighting, crying and sacrifice/redemption crap but I was really astounded because all my judgements were crushed down ultimately by the first episode. From experience, my advice, don't let firsr impressions ruin your imagination. Hey, maybe the crappiest anime you think just because of a boring one episode, hmpf, might as well continue and see what happens.
No. 6. One of the best animes I have ever watched in my whole entire life. The art is wonderful, the storyline is excellent. What more can I ask for? My first impression of this is another shounen/seinen anime with a lot of fighting, crying and sacrifice/redemption crap but I was really astounded because all my judgements were crushed down ultimately by the first episode. From experience, my advice, don't let firsr impressions ruin your imagination. Hey, maybe the crappiest anime you think just because of a boring one episode, hmpf, might as well continue and see what happens.
Anyway, caution though. NO.6 has a hint of shounen ai. And shounen Ai haters, well, you might as well erase that kind of mentality because this anime might initiate you to a whole new level. :3
Ohh, and uhm... Here's a little fan service
Just kidding! Here you go, the famous NO. 6 cover
Admin Ten-chan
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